Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Why Free Stuff Can Actually Be Damaging To Your Success

Why Free Stuff Can Actually Be Damaging To Your Success

Now let me start with saying that I'm not against giving people some good quality resources and value for nothing..
We all should agree that showing your value to people through free training, free tips, free resources can have a positive effect on your ability to connect with people and to enable you to make more sales.
However, the problem lies when things are given to others with lazy mindsets, not truly valuing what they have their hands on.
Let me put it another way...
When someone has put no time, no effort and not invested into something it makes it harder for that person to see the true value. The real value always comes in the upgrades and what you truly see as value from others. Are you willing to pay for where the real value is?
Too much free stuff can actually be doing more harm than good for that person especially when they cost nothing.
I'm sorry to say but free stuff tends to attract the freebie seeker mindset. As harsh as that sounds, it's the truth. I love those people just the same, but true value is only perceived when you've paid for something, or exchanged something of equal or greater value in courses, tools, services or products online or offline.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Jim Rohn...
"We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace. It takes time to bring value to the marketplace, but we get paid for the value, not the time."
Now the interesting part here is that we have to increase our value if we want to get paid more money. If you want to increase your value to the marketplace, wouldn't it make sense that you would need to increase your skills with valuable information that the marketplace is willing to pay for?
Increasing your value to the world first starts with where you see value. With your personal mindset on what you're willing to pay to get good quality knowledge on the skill sets you need to build.
Our culture pushes people to want everything now, with no personal sacrifice. This mindset is so damaging to your life and for your success online. The only way is to push lots of value to others who seek the solution you might know. When you do enough of this, then you will increase your authority and people begin to trust you. It's in this moment you will start to increase your profits for the long-term in business.
 is a home business owner who takes pride in helping new network marketers find success online or struggling marketers develop their skills. For tips, tricks and techniques visit this 

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